현재까지 가장 최신 버전의 워치페이스 스튜디오 입니다.
2022년 10월 12일 출시되었으며, 베타 버전입니다.
가장 큰 변화는 스타일 셋과 멀티 컬러부분 같습니다.
자세한 사항은 아래 릴리즈 노트를 참조해주세요.
[릴리즈 노트]
1. Project Management
- Add sample projects and change sample images.
- Improve My Workspace to display all project files in workspace.
2. Edit & Properties
- Support style set.
- Add 'Event' condition including unread notification and low battery in Conditional line.
- Add some conditions for unread notification and locale in Run tab.
- Add new Tag expression. (UNREAD_NC)
- Add "islamic-umalqura" in local calendar.
- Improve Theme color from single to multi color.
- Improve time zone / local calendar / language in Digital clock component and Tag expression.
- Improve style to import multiple resources by file selector.
- Improve Color picker to show current/new and recently used color.
- Improve performance when multiple Multimedia/Animation components are used in Timeline condition.
3. Etc
- Fixed build fail issue with characters not allowed in project name.
- Fixed "Run on device" to operate normally when connecting LAN cable between PC and wifi ap
- Fixed time update issue after changing time zone in AOD.
- Fixed wrong [AMPM_PO] result for ja_JP locale.
- Fixed to consider alpha value of index component in import gwd resource.
- Fixed to support horizontal scroll with shift + mouse wheel in Conditional line.